Prakashan Marketing

About Us

Welcome to The Academy of Digital Marketing Professionals (ADMP)

“Place for Quality Training in Digital Marketing by Experienced Professionals”

Academy of Digital Marketing Professionals, Founded by Digital entrepreneurs in June 2016, turned out as “whistleblower” of “Digital Marketing” in Gwalior! Considering the agility & versality of this trending skill, ADMP was established as an enlightenment center, where passionate Digital Marketing Professionals have stepped forward to illuminate and cater to the ever-growing demand of evolving Digital Marketing Industry in Gwalior and across India! Established for more than three and half years and counting, several Engineering, Management, Science, Arts, Commerce and many stream students, along with Government employees, IT professionals, housewives & entrepreneurs have trained from here & leading in their current fields & making us the most experienced Digital Marketing Training Institute of Gwalior.

Know About ADMP Mission & Vision

Who Are We

Academy of Digital Marketing Professionals top leading institute in digital marketing training.

Our Mission

Always stand for those student who believes in ourself and they want to achieve our goals.

What We Do

We gives you complete practical Digital Marketing Training in Gwalior

ADMP has always maintained to keep our standards high in terms of training structure, modules and services and currently mainly engaged in delivering in-campus quality training, on-campus training (At institute premises), workshop for students/ Business Persons/ Professionals and corporate trainings.

Our History

Academy of Digital Marketing Professionals is a fast growing organization in Digital Marketing Training having a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals. ADMP believes in providing quality Training and are strictly bound to it. Our goal is to provide Digital Marketing Training as per the current market demand and team of ADMP is firmly committed to serve this purpose. We believe in “Revealing the Internet Secrets, so now Internet Secrets will not be a Secret anymore”. Whenever anyone invests their time and money for their Skills development, they do so with a sheer force of belief that they would get the best quality training in a more substantial way. And, this belief of our Students always inspire us to set high standards for the training we provide to them. Our Aspirants are at our top most priorities and we are bound to serve them at all possible levels.

Our 6-D Process

This unique process helps your business create defined pathway, subsequently lead to success. From identifying to delivering, different phases are defined in process to structure things for hassle free, smooth work flow.



First step of career counselling is to identify your hobbies/interests even sometimes your hidden talents which defines further course of action to accelerate your career. That’s is how we discover new business/role when we meet young & aspirant minds. Join ADMP to learn Digital Marketing in Gwalior to discover and pursue your true and inherent passion, skill & vocation as your Profession.



Once you identify your calling, now its time to define your talent as a Job Role according to Industry Trends, which is required to create a pathway that will eventually lead to success depending on your decision. ADMP happens to be the Best Digital Marketing Institute in Gwalior that assist you with Defining your career path.



Now its time to get a blueprint of your successful career, designing and undoubtedly needs mentorship of experienced professional as their experience and expertise turn out to be very helpful in this shaping phase of your career. ADMP’s tailor-design digital marketing course as per current marketing trends enables you to achieve your career goals.



Now its time to up-skill yourself and upgrade your skill set to match or rather beat current market standards to lead on work front. Since technologies are very dynamic now-a-days thus you need to keep yourself updated and competent which is continual process to maintain your professional level. ADMP is the best digital marketing company in Gwalior to provide you world class training structure to enhance your skills.



Once you have developed your skill, now its time to put this actually into work/projects to check if your approach is right so far and its delivering you desired results. This again might need multiple attempts as you need to identify which approach is getting you best results. ADMP’s digital marketing course syllabus gives you opportunity to test and sharpen your expertise.



Once you all set & ready with your developed & tested skills, now its time to be Industry Leader by delivering your expertise and showcasing your talent in market. This is the time to put in everything you are best at and be the leader. ADMP’s quality training enables you to find best digital marketing jobs in Gwalior & nationally.

Why Choose Us?

World Class Training Structure

The Content to be delivered during training is Validated, verified & Updated by Highly Qualified & Experienced Digital Marketing Professionals and is Dedicated to Our Aspirants as per their interests.

We Provide 24*7 support to our students and clients.

In ADMP students get the chance to work on live projects.

ADMP have a team of certified digital marketers.

Here, we train students on techniques that generate best ROI for business.

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